“You don’t want to stop reading… She easily brings characters to life.”
-Amazon Review
About Andrea
Andrea Mots Rodgers is a best-selling author and has worked as a magazine content director, TV journalist, radio host, and newspaper reporter. She is a 2002 graduate of Iowa State University with a degree in journalism and minor in English, and in 2022 received her genealogy certification. (Andrea’s own ancestors are on this website’s header.) All jobs have deepened her understanding of human connection, meaningful relationships, and the value of authentic communication.
Read one of Andrea’s books or hire her to research your family tree - visit the menu bar on the header for more.
“Thought-provoking and endearing stories that will touch your soul. Andrea is able to help you truly feel the heartbreaks, challenges, and triumphs. Will keep you turning page after page until you have read the very last one.”
-Amazon Review
Notes From Andrea
*I was a child in the 80s, teenager in the 90s, and reached adulthood in the Millennium—the only child between a DCI Special Agent and Spanish Teacher.
*My parents divorced when I was a toddler but both remarried so I have a younger half-brother (Jacob) and three older step-siblings. Fun Fact: Jacob was an actor in Hollywood for 5 years after he won Actor of the Year at the 2006 YMTA competition in New York against 3,000 actors, models, dancers and singers–and received 3rd runner up total!
*As a child, I was the dreamer. I always carried a book, pen, and notebook because I spent my free time reading, writing stories, and anything to use my imagination or ponder life. I was already thinking about the mysteries of the universe and wanting to know “who” people really were. My interest in genealogy really began back then as I was obsessed with looking at family photos and asking relatives questions about my ancestors. I wanted to learn every person’s life story. I had a subscription to Biography magazine and a stack of VHS tapes with TV biographies that I recorded on my VCR. I was sensitive, empathetic, curious, and intuitive.
*As a teenager, I was quiet and introverted, loved music, had a lot of dark times but was strong spiritually, and I looked at life as a journey for growth (which I still do). I’ve always preferred to be independent - but with close connections with friends. I received good grades but had to work hard. I wasn’t going to be put in a box so was in a variety of activities (literary magazine, cheerleading, band, theater, speech contests and several others).
*As an adult, I married at age 23, adopted two maltipoo dogs at 25 & 26, had my son at 28, and my daughter at 31. My male maltipoo died when I was 38 and we adopted two cats when I was 39 & 40. My female maltipoo passed away on my 42nd birthday and we adopted our final pet (a third cat) 7 months later.
*Finally, I’m an INFJ for the MBTI who enjoys taking walks, meeting friends for coffee to have heartfelt conversations, researching new topics to learn about, and watching movies & binge-worthy TV shows. Also, as the great-granddaughter of a prison guard at the historic (and supposedly haunted) Missouri State Penitentiary, I’ve been interested in mysteries since childhood. The first elementary school story that I wrote was a mystery, I’ve watched true crime shows and documentaries for as long as I can remember, listen to investigative podcasts, and my favorite style of movie and book to read is suspense. Needless to say, I’ve combined that with my work as a genealogist to write my current manuscript: a historical sci-fi mystery. Oh, and one more thing - you might notice as you browse my website that I think it’s fun to change my hair every year :)